Capital Markets Data has added new pages for the Federal Reserve Bulletin
CMD is happy to announce the addition of a Federal Reserve Data page. This main page mirrors the Federal Reserves data offerings, with several key differences: The data is available for download in xlsx format, and it includes series that the fed has reported on but failed to compile. This makes our version superior to the Feds offerings. Over the years the Fed has dropped many key series from its data offerings. We have brought those series back to life and updated them where we can.
The Fed offers static data collections on capital market issuances, we offer the full history of these series in an easily downloadable format. Our main goal was to recreate the Federal Reserve Bulletin and bring it back to its former glory. We hope to have done it justice.
The sidebar of CMD contains these new pages. Feel free to explore them and if you like what you see and support our cause please donate to CMD or purchase the database.