Labor Market Statistics Charts
Release Date: Today
U.S. Unemployment Rate
Job-finding and Quits Rate
Quits Rate
Labor Demand and Wage Growth (Part 1)
Labor Demand and Wage Growth (Part 2)
Labor Demand and Wage Growth (Recent)
Labor Flow Rates
Job Openings
Job Openings-to-Unemployment Ratio
Job Openings-to-Unemployment Ratio
Labor Demand: Quit Rate and Vacancy-Unemployment Ratio
Labor and Capital Demand: ISM New Orders and The Job-finding Rate
The Unemployment Rate Gap: Flows Less Stock Based Unemployment Rate
The Unemployment Rate Gap: Flows Less Stock Based Unemployment Rate (Part 2)
Employment-to-Population Ratio
Employment-to-Population Ratio Gap
Labor-Force Participation Rate Gap
Labor-Force Participation Rate: Flows vs. Stocks
Initial Claims for Unemployment Insurance
Real Labor Income
Real Labor Income (Yoy)
1. Sources: BLS, Survey of Current Business and Capital Markets Data