U.S. Energy Market Historical Charts
Release Date: Today
U.S. Electricity Revenue-to-GDP
$/Kw Hour
Electricity Net Generation
U.S. Real Electricity Revenue per capita
U.S. Petroleum and Products Summary
U.S. Petroleum and Products Production
U.S. Energy Imports and Exports
U.S. Petroleum and Products Stocks per capita
U.S. Petroleum and Products Consumption per capita
U.S. Real Gas Prices
U.S. Crude Petroleum and Non-Petroleum Trade Balances
U.S. Refinery Operations
U.S. Domestic Crude Consumption-to-Stocks
U.S. Gasoline Station Sales to Personal Income
Oil Exporters holdings of Treasuries and the Real Price of Oil
Real Oil Price
1. Sources: Survey of Current Business; EIA; TIC; NBER; Capital Markets Data