Personal Income Data added to CMD-MD
More statistical annuals have been parsed and NBER macrohistory data spliced to update the personal income section of CMD-MD. Given the recent and massive spike in Transfer Receipts - personal income needs now more than ever to be adjusted to reflect the underlying reality on non-government income.
CMD-MD has responded to the times and added:
Interest Income - Jan/1929
Transfer Receipts - Jan/1929
Dividend Income - Jan/1919
Rental Income - Jan/1919
Proprietors' Income - Jan/1919
Disposable income x transfer receipts - Jan/1929
Personal income x transfer receipts - Jan/1929
All series are monthly, non-annualized, and seasonally-adjusted.
These series provide important historical information regarding income streams in the United States.
CMD-MD has responded to the times and added:
Interest Income - Jan/1929
Transfer Receipts - Jan/1929
Dividend Income - Jan/1919
Rental Income - Jan/1919
Proprietors' Income - Jan/1919
Disposable income x transfer receipts - Jan/1929
Personal income x transfer receipts - Jan/1929
All series are monthly, non-annualized, and seasonally-adjusted.
These series provide important historical information regarding income streams in the United States.