New Monthly Chartpack Available
The monthly chartpack I launched last month has more than doubled in size to 116 charts. I feature a great number of series which can be found in my monthly database. The monthly database is rapidly approaching some 400 series, many of which have substantial 'hand-collected' history. The whole point of the thing was to provide historical data not readily available anywhere else and I believe I have accomplished my goal.
But now it is morphing. I now include some historical series available elsewhere, so that It may be able to tell a story. You cannot tell the story of equity issuance without stock prices.
It is also morphing into a collection of some of the risk premiums I've kept track of for the past 5-years. I have a vision - a way of seeing the data - that has come about through my data collection efforts and research. I'd like to put some of my unique perspective into this chartpack.
One may download the chartpack here.