NEW: Federal Reserve Holdings of Treasury Securities by Class (Jan/1919 - Aug/2018)
This week I am dropping a new series on Federal Reserve holdings by class. The classes are of course, Bills, Notes and Bonds. For some ungodly reason, in January of 2003 the H.4.1 release started to smudge together notes and bonds, thus ruining the continuous 80 year tradition of distinguishing between the two classes. For the period before 1932, I rely on the weekly H.4.1 report, I then use the two History of Monetary and Banking Statistics Volumes 1 and 2. After 1970, I rely on the month end values provided in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. This gets me to 1996, where I pick up with a spreadsheet available on James Hamiltons' data download page (Again I use end of month values). Finally, the series from 2002 to the present day are taken from the Federal Reserve Board's Data Download Program.
The beauty of the "by class" distinction as opposed to the "by maturity" distinction is the direct correspondence to the table found in the Treasury Bulletin which covers Treasury Debt outstanding by class.
As always look to the data download page to download the new series.
The beauty of the "by class" distinction as opposed to the "by maturity" distinction is the direct correspondence to the table found in the Treasury Bulletin which covers Treasury Debt outstanding by class.
As always look to the data download page to download the new series.